This year Zaporozhye is 240 years young!!!!
The city celebrated last night with a huge concert and a very impressive fireworks show on Festival Square. As your dedicated Kiva Fellow, I felt it was rather important to report on this rare and awesome occasion, and of course getting to know the popular singers on stage meant deeper cultural immersion.
Sadly, my fellowship in Ukraine will come to an end soon, but I will always treasure the memories from this 3 month Kiva adventure. Last night was just one of the many warm and fun moments I’ve had here.
Ani Lorak (Ани Лорак) or did Bon Jovi know I was there too?
Potap and Nastya Kemeskih wish us a Happy Birthday (Потап и Настя Каменских):
Margarita Salasyuk is a Kiva Fellow with HOPE Ukraine in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. As she wraps up her work with HOPE Ukraine, she is cherishing her last two weeks in Zap. She still has a few other things to write about and some final thoughts and observations on Ukraine, so please stay tuned!
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