Kiva is on the verge of funding $1 billion in life-changing loans to people around the world. This is the second in a two-part series tracing Kiva’s path from nonprofit startup and crowdfunding pioneer to a global force for good, pushing the boundaries of lending.
Sometimes the problems in the world feel so big, it’s hard to imagine any individual can make a dent. In those moments of paralysis consider this: Kiva lenders collectively crowdfund more than $1 million in loans every 3 days. Those collective dollars translate into real power to do good in the world and have helped 2.4 million people pursue their dreams.
Each lender, $25 at a time, is helping create a compassionate bank – a unique, renewable pool of funds helping reshape access to financial services for many families in need.
While there is no silver bullet to alleviating poverty, expanding access to fair and affordable credit can open doors, and gives people an opportunity to improve their businesses, send their children to school, invest in equipment or green technology and much more.
Check out some of the areas of impact you’ve made possible with your loans on Kiva by reading the full article at our Medium page>
Above and beyond the call: Mamacitas Cafe →NEXT ARTICLE
Syrian refugees find new hope with crowdfunded loans →