You can call him many things, but if you ask family and friends, adventurous is always one of them. Also on this list are idealistic, playful, impulsive and searching. In his heart, Koen has a passion for education, old motorcycles and nature. After graduating as a primary school teacher, Koen left his familiar and comfortable Belgian home to volunteer as a teacher in the Honduran jungle. He was 23, travelling alone and going to a developing country for the first time. He didn’t speak any Spanish and did not know anybody there. He was uncertain and scared when the adventure started, yet he had the best time of his life. After this life-changing experience, Koen was bitten by the travel bug and explored different parts of the world: by motorcycle through Uganda and Rwanda, by train across North America and backpacked in Southeast Asia. In between he teaches or works as an educator, and volunteers his time to Mobile School to help street children throughout the world. This is where he picked up the skill of positive focus, which he’s proud to have set as a base in his life.