A loan helped to purchase ice cream, makeup, perfumes, jewelry, soap, facial treatments, bracelets, and rings, and to pay the electric bill.

Nancy Judith's story

Nancy Judith is a great spouse and mother who has always helped with part of the household expenses. She makes the most of rooms she has in her house and rents them out. Her tenants pay their rent monthly. Also, in her free time, she offers products from Yanbal catalogs (beauty products, cosmetics, perfume, and women's accessories) and steel jewelry which are highly requested. She leaves the merchandise with her customers on credit and collects weekly. She also sells a variety of ice cream, which a factory distributes and she sells every day, always giving her customers great affection.

She is grateful to the good people for their support with the loans. With them, she can continue helping her family. This loan is to purchase ice cream, makeup, perfumes, jewelry, soap, facial treatments, bracelets, rings, earrings, anklets, etc., and to pay the electric bill.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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