A loan helped to purchase a tanker truck for raw water delivery to all franchises in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mussabwa's story

Jibu Bukavu was launched in March 2019, led by the Area Master Franchisee Mussabwa. He is a seasoned businessman with experience in strategic planning and channel and sales management.

Mussabwa is pioneering a powerful new model in Bukavu, which capitalizes and equips a reliable network of franchisees to introduce access to clean and affordable drinking water to their communities while offering life-changing training and employment. Jibu Bukavu currently has 4 production franchises, 8 distributors, and over 160 resale points.

The Kiva financing will be used to procure a delivery truck for franchisees in Bukavu so that they will be able to reach and serve more customers with the affordable quality drinking water.

This loan is special because:

It increases access to safe drinking water in more countries.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details