Griceira Pascuala is 57 years old. She is in a common law relationship and has five children who are adults and independent. Her partner owns a fast food bar. They live in their own home. They live in the city of Portoviejo, which was affected by the earthquake on April 16, 2016. The city is rich in the production of vegetables and tropical fruit for internal consumption.
Griceira Pascuala and her partner are owners of a small fast food bar. She prepares and sells hamburgers, fries, fried chicken, tostadas, and milkshakes. She prepares these when they are ordered and her customers are satisfied with the good service and the delicious food.
They work everyday.
This loan is to buy potatoes, ground beef, bread, chicken, oil, soda, water, fruit, and milk, and to pay for electricity, etc.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck. View original language description.